Security Protection |
Use a key card to enter the Co-location room |
The firewall system protects external threats (Firewall Protection) |
UPS System |
Provides power supplies and power generators power of the building which meet the standard quality |
The power backup system keeps stable pressure system and provides the back up system in case the electricity blackouts |
Fire Protection |
FM200, world class standard fire protection, operated by pressurized gas which causes no harm to the server equipment |
Power System |
Provides large power supplies which meet the standard quality to ensure smooth operations of servers |
Power Supply 16 Amp (Support 32 Amp with extra charge) |
Cooling & Air Flow Distribution |
Controls the temperature and humidity to keep the stable temperature and allow servers to work at their full capacity |
Online Monitoring System |
Monitors the network and servers by online monitoring system |
Technical Staff |
Provide technical consultant 7x24 |
Monitor server equipment continually |
All KSC’s professional technical staffs have been trained and received the International standard certificated |